Welcome to my site

Since almost ever, Ive been interested in all things military, historical or fantasy. However it was many years later, during an extended work trip from home and the wife( soon), that I actually did something about it and got into wargaming.

A collegue at work talked me into trying a games workshop 40k and far from the expected nerdy, geek types, I actually met a good bunch. Also dabbled with warhammer and D&D, however it wasn't until I got home to blighty and read a book by Harry Pearson - achtung schweeinehund! that I arrived back at historicals. Harry, if my wife ever finds you, she may kill you....:) Actually shes been extreamly good, to the point of buying me toy soldiers to paint up as gifts. She even helps out. Anyhow with this new bottomless pit of choices of spending my cash ahead of me, I delved straight in and joined a local club. The guildford wargames club and I could not of asked to meet a finer group of gents in helping me out and knowledge. So they are also partly to blame for the numerous projects Ive started and never ever finished. With that all in mind, I decided to post up a blog. Something where I can shove photos and ideas up and hopefully get some feedback from like minded gamers. So - Here goes :)

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

15mm Castle

A member of TMP was asking about black cats 15mm castle range, which got me thinking about the same set, I recently bought at Salute. Ive dusted it off and gave it a grey base coat, just need to work out how im going to set it up now. I think I'll make a couple of bases, one for the full castle and one for a long single wall with turrets. Anyhow, heres what you get in the large castle set
Short walls and corners, the non painted stuff is stairs and collapsed walls.

Turrets and long walls

Additional stuff - curved tower

I also received wedges with the set. They are walled and fill in the gaps between curved tower and straight walls, all very nice